JOIN THE VICCC with your active participation and resourceful support @–communicate.html.May 2014 Highlights:

In harmony with the mission of the University of the Virgin Islands and its College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the Virgin Islands Caribbean Cultural Center collaboratively serves as a liaison designated to create a reservoir of resources and initiatives for faculty, students, administration, staff and the community to maintain and sustain access to materials that nurture, preserve, research, document, restore, promote, protect and respect Virgin Islands and Caribbean culture. *****Up-to-date VICCC activities @ VICCC Blog @ TERM GOALS
Initiated through the guided vision of UVI President Dr. David Hall with support from diverse community stakeholders with cultural preservation and tradition-bearing expertise forming an advisory committee in January 2012, the Foundation of the University of the Virgin Islands (FUVI) in concert with the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) administration, faculty and staff, the Virgin Islands Caribbean Cultural Center (VICCC) was official launched as the newest center within the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) in November 2012. Initial VICCC 2012 goals have reached more than 75% completion within the first year and include the:
- Creation of digital archives to house and preserve existing VI cultural information, recordings, publications, productions and materials.
- Creation of and links to interactive websites that ease the accessibility of VICCC digital archives to the public.
- Development of a scholarly journal published annually with articles related to multi-dimensional aspects of VI and Caribbean cultures.
- Facilitation of systematic access to existing and developing Danish archives for research and dissemination inclusive of managing coordination of language training for students to translate these materials.
- Identification and acquisition of collections from existing scholars and individuals highlighting those with VI linkages with high priority on the Edward Wilmoth Blyden Collections.
- Co-sponsorship of annual symposia and conferences that focus on VI and Caribbean culture with community organizations.
- Coordination of existing UVI cultural activities and projects for advocacy on the importance of VI and Caribbean culture to UVI’s mission.
- Collaboration with UVI, the VI and the wider Caribbean community to increase awareness of existing and new cultural activities and initiatives.
VICCC supports initiatives of: preservation, publication, restoration, cultivation, exhibition and respect for VI and Caribbean culture through research, digital technology, global interactive partnerships, and academic programs through international engagement in cultural heritage, socio-economic development and sustainability. View excerpts of the official launch at .
VICCC continues to actively promote and support the:
- Commitment to preservation of Virgin Islands and Caribbean culture as highlighted in UVI’s Pathways to Greatness plan.
- Caribbean Cultural Studies (CCS) Minor and Certificate Programs of UVI’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS).
- UVI CLASS Communications program and UVI’s premiere student-operated radio station, WUVI AM1090 “The Voice of the University” that streams live daily on from 6am to 6pmAST. VICCC hosts VI Caribbean Culture Notes-VICCC365 every Monday and Thursday at 1pmAST. Listen and TuneIn to a January 2014 radio broadcast featuring guests from Tambuye of Puerto Rico & Nuestras Raices of St. Croix @
- National Park Service-St. Croix and UVI formal collaborative partnerships and memorandum of understanding.
- Integration of curricula development and cooperative research on culture, heritage, language and more at UVI and abroad.
- Cultural sensitivities within smart growth, economic development, heritage tourism, agriculture, arts and related businesses in educational opportunities provided at UVI inclusive of VI, Caribbean, American, African, European and other social perspectives.
- Research, publication and collaboration among regional, national and global partners on linguistics, arts, scientific studies and other disciplines impacting cultures.
- Partnering with organizations and individuals infusing culture with vocational, technological, socio-spiritual and academic literacy.
- Use of 21st century technologies to encourage respect and sustainability of cultural multi-media arts and global heritage sciences.
- Organization of wider alliances with cultural research and development institutions in furtherance of and in alignment with VICCC’s mission, goals and initiatives.
Arrangements to provide contributions for VICCC programs, events, research and initiatives are welcomed and available by communicating your interest and scheduling an appointment.
Explore the VICCC’s important role in UVI Pathways to Greatness 2017 Initiatives with a focus on the Performance Goals- Community Engagement and Globalization.
Share your questions, expertise, talents, resources and more to support the VICCC in “Keeping Our Culture ALIVE!”
Call (340) 692-4272
Dr. Chenzira Davis Kahina, Director
Email [email protected] or [email protected]
Read and Share the Fact Sheets on the VICCC and CLASS Caribbean Cultural Studies Programs.
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